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Recreation Committee Minutes 2012/06/20
June 20th Meeting

Meeting called to order at 637 pm by Patricia.

Members present: Scott Blewitt, Patricia Halpin, Craig Heino, Matt McNally, Jen Fredrick, Amy Holobowicz

Unfortunatly Brain Garland has given his resignation effective immediately.  He feels that he is not able to give as much time to the committee than he would like.  Maria Fair was present this evening to introduce herself to the committee.   We agreed as a committee to invite Maria to join us.

John from Dexter’s Inn joined the meeting to inform us that tennis appears to be going well, that each class is well attended.  This goes for Pickle ball as well.

Dewey Beach:  Jen informed us that the beach is clean; the lines on the basketball court have been painted.  The building is almost completely painted.  The third dock is out, and at 10 feet so diving is permitted.

They will be having Olympic events the week of July 2nd.  A regatta on the 4th.  

Grill is in and ready to be used.  Crushed stone in the gully appears to be working well with the drainage problem.  

Crafts will be starting soon.  Paddleboard Yoga to start in July.

The Fire Dept. is holding safety training for beach staff on July 26th.   Anyone is welcome to join.

Georges Mills beach: Lifeguard chairs have been painted.  Waiting to find out if the duck feces problem is that of the beach staff or the town to take care of.

Poison ivy was removed by HAND last week.  This is something that will need to be done annually.  Total cost was $1595.00  Discussed having the company come in the fall as well.

Patricia has requested tallies for the beach including the swim lessons, boat usage log and a profit/loss for the store.  

Fourth of July: Fireworks fundraising has started.  

We still need someone to volunteer their time and boat for pulling the firework barges to and from the launch site.  

Volunteers needed for the Big Wheel Race.  

Skateboard Park: The new equipment scheduled to arrive July 9th.  We need volunteers to assist the company’s expert with installation of the new park.  The old equipment needs to be removed.  We decided to approach the boys who were involved with the new park and ask them if they would like the old equipment.

Pump track:  Needs better drainage.  Mark Usko agreed to donate his time to fix the problem.  We agreed to purchase stone for this project.  Volunteers are needed for this as well.  Craig Heino would like to work on this on June 30th.

Athletic Fees:  Scott was approached regarding the Rec dept. paying for post-season fees.  In the past, post season was always taken care of by coaches and parents.  Preseason is paid for by recreation.  We agreed that this would remain the same.  In the event that a local group of kids were to make it far in post season, possibly the Rec. dept. would assist with fees, or help with fundraising.

Matt is going to meet with the Lion’s Club regarding replacing the poles and hoops at Veteran’s field.  Roughly a $3000 job.

Horror on Harding Hill and the Frenzy share a weekend this year.  July 21st and 22nd.  Sharing resources so costs are slightly down.  No overnight camping on the site.

Discussed raking the infield of Veteran’s field.  We would like to ask Mark Usko to do this.

Tilton Park: Will be mowed 2 times this year to cut down on the tick count.  We discussed finish mowing the fields and leaving growth by the road.  

Meeting was adjourned at 806 pm.  Motion by Matt, second by Craig.